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Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network

As Anglicans, we have been taught about the power of prayer in the Kingdom of God. But do we realize such prayer should focus on fellow Christians, and especially on those who are persecuted for their faith?

It’s sobering, but also joyful, to learn about the persecuted church around the world. At the Anglican Persecuted Church Network, we organize prayer for the persecuted church and coordinate for action.

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Networks Guest User Networks Guest User

Fulfilling our First Commission: The Anglican Creation Care Network

In his first commission to us in Genesis 1, God gave us two interconnected orders. The first was to be fruitful and multiply. We have done quite well with that part, with our world population now over eight billion. The second was to rule over and tend to his creation. We don’t often do as well with that one. However, the Church has an opportunity to lead the way in stewarding creation and, in doing so, point others to their Creator.

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Stories Jenny Noyes Stories Jenny Noyes

111: The Power of the Little Red Sticker

A year ago this week, 1,600 of us from 65 nations were gathered at Ridgecrest for the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference! Our theme of One Mission encouraged everyone, young and old alike, to pray into how God was calling them to Be the one, See the one, and Share the One True God!

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Partnerships & Projects Guest User Partnerships & Projects Guest User

Lent Day 27: Global Anglicans On The Street

Anglicans are drawing near to immigrants and refugees both in our neighborhoods and around the world. As North American Anglicans, we are not alone in learning to love those who are immigrating to our neighborhoods. Christians around the world have set such a beautiful example for us to follow in how we welcome the stranger, entertaining angels unawares. Today’s story looks at the work of one such Christ-follower: Rev. John Chol Daau.

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Stories Guest User Stories Guest User

Outside the Camp

In September, I found myself in the beautiful mountains outside of Asheville NC for my first New Wineskins conference. I was excited to be at the conference and to be in the mountains. I knew going into the week that God would clarify some things for me, but I had no idea what that might look like. Now I do.

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New Wine for New Wineskins

From September 22nd to 25th, the American Anglican Council (AAC) attended the New Wineskins for Global Mission Conference in Ridgecrest, NC, directed by Jenny Noyes. Some 1,600 Anglicans from around the globe attended this triennial gathering focused on global missions. Included were archbishops, bishops, clergy, lay leaders, and many youth and children. It was a wonderful, Spirit-filled, worshipping reunion of Anglicans on fire for local and global mission.

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News Naomi Wagner News Naomi Wagner

Announcing Slugs & Bugs Live Concert at the 2022 New Wineskins Conference!

New Wineskins Missionary Network is excited to announce that the upcoming Global Mission Conference in September will feature Slugs & Bugs Live concert for our children attendees and their families! Led by Christian singer-songwriter Randall Goodgame, the concert will furnish an opportunity for children to laugh, sing together, and learn more about God in a fun and creative setting.

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Praying for the Persecuted

About three years ago the Daughters of The Holy Cross at Anglican Church of the Redeemer in Chattanooga, Tennessee began to sense an increasing desire, perhaps even a calling, to put faces and facts into these prayers. Who are the persecuted? Where are they? What specific suffering do they experience? What is the reality of need behind our prayers for them?

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Partnering for Freedom

Martha, 42 years old, had been living in the unreached area (K) of the Punjab Province in Pakistan, with her husband and two daughters. With the husband working in the brick kilns, it had been difficult for them to manage their daily lives and family, but then Martha’s life completely changed as she got the sudden news of her husband’s death in 2019.

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A Revolutionary Idea

In 2007, my wife, Carol, and I joined another couple from Christ Church Anglican, Savannah to attend the New Wineskins Conference. The Lord used the first two talks by Bishop Derek Eaton and Bishop Rennis Ponniah, which by “accident” both focused on the call of Abraham in Geneses 12:1, to confirm a call to Carol and me to sell our business and get ready to do full time mission work.

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