The Anglican Rescued Kingdom Network (ARKN) is a group of concerned individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of eliminating human trafficking worldwide through collaboration, resource sharing, training, and prayer.
The Anglican Rescued Kingdom Network exists to provide a united effort to combat the evils of modern-day human trafficking, exploitation and slavery. Our mission is to connect individuals and organizations with one another to raise awareness, educate and train, inspire prayer and advocacy, and gather resources into one accessible place. We seek to do this through the network of Anglicans worldwide and by cooperating and working with other religious and secular entities that are tackling these difficult issues. Our hope is not only to educate people of every age to the horrors of these global issues, but also to connect them to effective ways to get involved in ending human trafficking.
“He has delivered us from the darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.”
Get Connected
If you are being trafficked, call 911 or if you need to report a tip to the authorities, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. If you have any concerns about a potential trafficking situation, call 1-888-373-7888, text HELP to BEFREE (233733), or email
Meet the Co-Leaders
Kathy Funk Gomer
Kathy is a Former TWA Flight Attendant and registered nurse with a heart for educating young minds! She and other former flight attendant friends from St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral in Tallahassee, FL, started a program at a school in Uganda on health education. She then attended the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference in 2019 whereupon she obtained knowledge and friendships that developed into Wings for Change, Inc., a non-profit devoted to health education among young people in Sub-Saharan Africa, helping to prevent exploitation, poverty and human trafficking. Her heart is now to join forces with others to combat human trafficking in all its various forms globally.
Connie Wooding
Connie is an Anglican in the ACNA, a career IT professional and volunteer in the community and church. After 45 years experience in prison ministry and pastoral care, she met many who were in prisons. Some lived within institutions and others in the “free” world. There were trafficking stories, misunderstandings of God’s intentions and character, and there was always trauma involved. More can be helped by assisting survivors and those interested in modern slavery by spreading awareness of the issue via resource materials and events. Connie is honored to be part of a collaborative team sharing rescuing efforts for those that are being trafficked, have survived and providing pointers on how a local church or individual can help. Currently she is part of the Healing Prayer ministry, Stephen Ministry, a Trauma Healing leader, an anti-trafficking Community Ambassador and a member of the Daughters of the Holy Cross and the Order of St. Luke.