New Wineskins Conference Testimony from Alex Rivas

The 2022 New Wineskins Missions Conference was the second one I attended. I was amazed at my first one in 2019. I felt a call to the mission field when I was twelve. In 2011, I went on my first trip and have been on several short-term trips, mainly in Southeast Asia.

I was overwhelmed by the beautifulness of the New Wineskins Conference. I met many cross-cultural workers (CCWs) and mission partners from every corner of the earth. In 2019, I was walking through the exhibit hall and met a CCW from Laos: The Rev. Ian. We made an instant connection. He had an excellent Australian accent, and I was interested in his work in Laos. He had lived in Laos with his wife and family for about twenty years. He handwrote his contact info for me on a piece of bamboo paper! One of the most incredible things about New Wineskins is making connections and visualizing all of the beautiful things God is doing.

I have attended the Southeast Asia symposium at the past two conferences. I knew God had already been stirring my heart to make connections and see what the Lord was calling me to within Southeast Asia. Ian and I made plans to have what he called a “vision trip” or a “come and see trip.” I was immediately interested, and we made plans to connect in the beautiful country of Laos. In early 2023, after a few months of planning, I told Ian that I would be coming for a month to Laos in Feb 2024.

I flew in at the same time as the new Dean of Laos. I was able to see the work that Ian was doing within the Diocese of Singapore. While in the country, I participated in many ministries that worked to reach the people of Lao. One of the ministries is a language learning center. They teach Lao and English. I was even able to take a few lessons in Lao! Laos is allowed religious freedom according to its constitution, but that is not always the case pragmatically. I was amazed at how the Lord is moving in Laos. Seeing how the Gospel is being spread in Laos was terrific. Rev. Ian constantly has “God moments,” and he’s always in the right place at the right time to encourage and uplift.

The Lord uses all the CCWs’ skills and talents to reach His people. From farming, making jewelry, picking up trash, and making coffee, the CCWs in Laos use themselves to serve the people of Laos. We have become lifelong friends! We are making plans for me to return in the future. I attend Church of the Ascension Anglican, Kearneysville, West Virginia. At the end of every month, we have a mission dinner that emphasizes a particular country. In July, Laos was the featured country.

As the Lord lays it on your heart, please pray for the work in Laos, the CCWs within Laos, and Rev. Ian and his family. See you at the next New Wineskins Conference in September 2025!

Alex is a professional firefighter/paramedic. He attends Church of the Ascension in Kearneysville, West Virginia. He is in the ordination process to the priesthood in the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplains. He is working on establishing a chaplaincy with his fire department. He has spent the last twelve years traveling on several short term trips all over Southeast Asia. He is currently about halfway through a mental health counseling program.


Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network