Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

An Invitation to a Holy Lent

I recently received a wedding invitation in the mail. I was so excited as I began to think about celebrating this upcoming marriage. I spoke to the mother of the bride and she was excited too, but had struggled to cut down the guest list. Generally, invitations are exclusive – only those invited can participate. In our liturgy for Ash Wednesday, there is an invitation – an invitation to the observance of a holy Lent. Unlike most invitations, this one is not exclusive. Instead, it is open to everyone.

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News Jenny Noyes News Jenny Noyes

Celebrate 50 Years With Us!

Dear New Wineskins partner, has God ever broken your heart about an issue or group of people that you care about? As we celebrate 50 years of the New Wineskins ministry, I am reflecting back on our founders, Walter and Louise Hannum.…

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News Jenny Noyes News Jenny Noyes

2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: Hope for the Nations Registration Opens

Registration is now open for our eleventh triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 17-20, 2025. The theme is Hope for the Nations. All the conference details and the registration links are available on our conference website:

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News Jenny Noyes News Jenny Noyes

The Next New Wineskins Conference: Hope for the Nations, Sept. 17-20, 2025

Hope. I don’t know an individual, a church, or a nation that couldn’t use more hope. As we look at our world, we see what appear to be hopeless situations all around us from our own lives and communities to global conflicts and strife. But, God… As Christians, we know that our hope is not in ourselves or any entity other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is not only the hope for every person in the world, but, indeed, the hope for all nations!…For this reason, God has shown us that our theme for the 2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference is to be Hope for the Nations!

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News Guest User News Guest User

Introducing Deacon Shelly Sorem as New Wineskins’ Assistant Director

My faith journey began at an Episcopal church that was meeting in a school. My husband and I began attending this church with our two young daughters because they were known for their kid’s program. The priest said the salvation prayer during one of the services and said if you’ve never given your life to Jesus, you can pray along with me and begin today. I repeated the words he said silently in my head and began following Jesus.…

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News, Resources Guest User News, Resources Guest User

Announcing the Launch of the Anglican Introduction to Missions Curriculum

New Wineskins Missionary Network is excited to announce the launch of our first global mission curriculum: An Anglican Introduction to Missions (AIM)! The course AIMs to highlight the rich theological, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of global missions with a focus on the Anglican Communion. The purpose, intention, or AIM of this training is for every Jesus follower in the Anglican Church in North America to be meaningfully engaged with the frontiers of missions by praying, welcoming, sending, supporting, or going to those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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News, Networks Guest User News, Networks Guest User

Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network

As Anglicans, we have been taught about the power of prayer in the Kingdom of God. But do we realize such prayer should focus on fellow Christians, and especially on those who are persecuted for their faith?

It’s sobering, but also joyful, to learn about the persecuted church around the world. At the Anglican Persecuted Church Network, we organize prayer for the persecuted church and coordinate for action.

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Networks Guest User Networks Guest User

Fulfilling our First Commission: The Anglican Creation Care Network

In his first commission to us in Genesis 1, God gave us two interconnected orders. The first was to be fruitful and multiply. We have done quite well with that part, with our world population now over eight billion. The second was to rule over and tend to his creation. We don’t often do as well with that one. However, the Church has an opportunity to lead the way in stewarding creation and, in doing so, point others to their Creator.

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News Guest User News Guest User

One Body: Hope for the Persecuted Conference – What You Can Do While You Wait

The One Body: Hope for the Persecuted conference is coming up Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28 at St. Mark's Parish, 2024 S. Collins Street, Arlington, TX! So excited about being together with all of you who care about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Read on to learn a few simple things you can do until the date of the One Body conference to help persecuted Christians!

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Stories Guest User Stories Guest User

A Day in the Life of an Urban Missionary

Thursdays are my busiest and best days! As I drifted off to sleep this past Thursday night, I thanked God for the life He has given me. To be honest, when John and I answered the call to move to Baltimore, I had no idea this is what it would be like, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

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