Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

An Invitation to a Holy Lent

I recently received a wedding invitation in the mail. I was so excited as I began to think about celebrating this upcoming marriage. I spoke to the mother of the bride and she was excited too, but had struggled to cut down the guest list. Generally, invitations are exclusive – only those invited can participate. In our liturgy for Ash Wednesday, there is an invitation – an invitation to the observance of a holy Lent. Unlike most invitations, this one is not exclusive. Instead, it is open to everyone.

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Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

God's Good Life

We enter the story of the Good Samaritan with the dialogue of Jesus and the lawyer. This well-educated lawyer was steeped in Jewish law, but he had never met anyone like Jesus. This rabbi had done miracles, drew crowds, and alienated the religious establishment. The lawyer wanted to test him.

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Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

Jesus, Our Rescuer

There was that one night when Jesus walked miles and miles on a windblown Galilean sea (Matthew 14:22-33). He had a purpose in setting His disciples off alone in their fishing boat. The sun would go down, the night would pass, and through the storm tossed waves the disciples see the unfathomable. Jesus was walking on water.

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Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

Finding Those Called to Go

Today we need both individuals and churches praying and fasting, asking God to show them who he is calling and then bravely stepping up to commission and send them. According to Joshua Project, there are still 7,402 unreached people groups who need to hear the hope of Jesus. We need field partners that are willing to be pioneers, frontline workers for these people groups that will not be easy to reach. Has God already been speaking to you about someone? If so, in the words of Ananias, “What are you waiting for?” (Acts 22:16).

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Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

Coming out as a Christian to your Muslim Family, Part 2 of 2

I am an Anglican priest in Madrid, Spain. I often observe this practice of letting the practices of our tiny Protestant community be determined to a great extent by not doing what the Roman Catholics do. I understand the historical and contextual reasons for this practice. But in the long run it is not a recipe for fruitfulness. In the same way, the winsomeness of the Christian faith should be allowed to stand on its own.

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