The Global Mission Initiative (GMI) supports and challenges the people of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) to obey Christ’s Great Commission in the fullness of his charge to make disciples to the ends of the earth. The aim of the GMI is to encourage, coordinate and expand global mission engagement for all members of the ACNA for maximum Kingdom impact.
What is the Global Mission Initiative?
The GMI works through a network of volunteer GMI Advocates from ACNA dioceses and is led by Jenny Noyes. The provincial GMI team is made up of one GMI Advocate appointed by the bishop in each ACNA diocese. In addition, each GMI Advocate is encouraged to build a GMI leadership team from among global mission point people in each congregation in that diocese.
The ACNA GMI Advocates meet monthly on Zoom and annually in person in conjunction with an Anglican Global Mission Partners Gathering to coordinate cross-cultural work between congregations, dioceses, missional ministries and sending agencies.
How does the GMI do its work?
How can the GMI help my congregation?
Advocates connect their congregations and their dioceses to opportunities to pray, partner, support, send or serve cross-culturally. The GMI facilitates global mission engagement through events, training, resources and collaboration, working closely with the Anglican Global Mission Partners network.
GMI Advocates met with diocesan attendees at the 2022 New Wineskins Conference to get to know one another, hear from their bishops, and begin to plan ways to coordinate global mission in their diocesan context.
Why is the GMI needed?
What is the history of the GMI?
The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) launched five strategic ministry initiatives as a provincial response to our corporate prayer: “And now Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”
The five initiatives are: Always Forward, Every Tribe & Nation Initiative, Matthew 25 Initiative, Next Generation Leadership Initiative, and the Global Mission Initiative.
New Wineskins was asked to facilitate the work of the Global Mission Initiative (GMI) because it exists to mobilize Anglicans for authentic cross-cultural partnership around the world AND coordinates the Anglican Global Mission Partners and other Mission Networks. The overlapping points of connection and resourcing make this a good fit with ACNA’s desire to see every congregation and every Anglican equipped for global mission engagement!
For more information about the other ACNA Initiatives, visit the ACNA website here.
42% of the world population is still unreached with the Gospel. That’s over 3 billion people with no church or Christians in their area, and no scriptures translated into their heart language. This is why we still need missionaries to take the Gospel to them. Most missionaries are raised up and sent out from local churches!
From the ACNA Parochial reporting, we know that many congregations have little or no global mission ministry or partnership. The GMI is working to change that! By figuring out where we are, we can figure out what we need to do and how we need to it to increase our participation in the Great Commission.
We also know that ACNA congregations and dioceses are partnering in mission in over 90 countries. The GMI seeks to encourage and strengthen these global mission efforts for short-term mission teams, global partnerships and long-term missionaries.
Watch these videos to hear from the ACNA's Global Mission Initiative leader Jenny Noyes about the vision and direction of the Global Mission Initiative's efforts!