Persecuted Church
“Remember those who are in prison as if you were in prison with them. Remember those who are suffering as if you were suffering with them.”
— Hebrews 13:3
Click the links below to view and download the latest monthly persecuted church prayer and information documents!
Around the world, more than 365 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution, just for following Jesus. That’s 1 in 8 believers, worldwide. We need to be more aware of the plight of the persecuted church and better equipped to support our faithful brothers and sisters around the world. We encourage you to really take the time to learn by exploring these organizations, reading, and listening. Allow the Lord to break your heart like his heart breaks for his suffering children.
World Watch List shot of interactive map. Click on the image to see the full listing of persecuted countries!
World Watch List each year provides an unparalleled glimpse into the 50 places around the world where it costs the most to be a Christian. Open Doors provides an interactive way to explore the data and hear some of the stories behind the statistics.
Katartismos Global exists to advocate for the persecuted church and to equip the Church for mission and ministry. This is an Anglican non-profit organization, led by APCN co-leader Faith Mcdonnell under the covering of Bp. Julian Dobbs.
Voice of the Martyrs, is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. They offer an abundance of resources and ways to get involved.
Frontlines International combats persecution through Bible distribution in key areas where persecution is high. Biblical Literacy is essential. Humanitarian Aid and Relief is critical. These believers need your support to stand strong.
Save the Persecuted Christians works through targeted awareness-raising campaigns, educational events, media appearances and other community outreach initiatives. Save the Persecuted Christians is building a movement to save lives and save souls. Their banner display has been used at the last two New Wineskins Conferences.
Barnabas Fund News makes known the plight of the persecuted Church, particularly in the Muslim world. The link takes you to news about the current situation and needs as well as the background and causal factors. Learn more about their other projects below in the take action section.
Alliance for Persecuted Christians (formerly Lumen Life), led by Dominic Sputo, highlights the plights of persecuted Christians through its news feed and supports verified projects and causes to help persecuted believers around the world.
There is much that can be done through prayer, advocacy, and support to change these realities.
Pray! Prayer in the number one thing persecuted Christians ask for. It’s something any of us can do, in any place and at any time and it really does make a difference because we are praying to a living God! There are many resources but here are some of our favorites:
Open Doors Prayer Page is a great resource, including a prayer calendar, weekly prayer emails, and even a place to light up a map with your prayers for the Middle East.
We have gathered some prayer guides, litanies, and prayer needs of our persecuted family. Click here to view this collection.
Barnabas Prayer Resources, is a collection of regularly updated prayer guides, booklets, social media or app platforms.
Anglican Frontier Missions hosts weekly virtual prayer meetings to pray for cross-cultural workers and the world serving in persecuted areas. You can join them on Thursday’s 11:00am-11:54am ET by emailing them here.
Advocate. We can be a voice for those whose voices are being silenced. Here are a few places that you can get involved and connect to other opportunities:
Go to our Anglican Persecuted Church Network page and see how you can get involved in this network and their events.
Gafcon’s Suffering Church Network is another network we highly recommend checking out and joining.
Save the Persecuted Christians Campaign is a grassroots movement to save lives and save souls. They educate the public on anti-Christian violence and enlist your help in: supporting those harmed for their faith in Jesus; holding those responsible accountable; and securing significant penalties on state and non-state persecutors of Christians.
Religious Freedom Institute is committed to achieving broad acceptance of religious liberty as a fundamental human right, a source of individual and social flourishing, the cornerstone of a successful society, and a driver of national and international security. They pursue this end through research, education and their action teams.
Support. When Christians are forced to flee persecution, they leave most of their personal belongings behind. The basic necessities they’re able to carry with them only get them so far. Here are two ways you, your family, your friends or your church can partner with Voice of the Martyrs to send hope to persecuted believers and help sustain them in their time of need.
Action Packs, which include a bar of soap, a new bedsheet, a warm blanket and other items.
Family Med Pack, where you fill each Family Med Pack with basic necessities like soap, bandages, toothbrushes and washcloths. Items like nail clippers, disposable antiseptic wipes and dental floss can also be included, along with a photo of yourself and an encouraging Bible verse.
The Anglican Persecuted Church Network can now receive your financial support here. Funds given will be disbursed to meet urgent needs of persecuted Christians that come to our attention as well as to support our advocacy work to be a voice for the voiceless around the world.
Watch & Listen
The official online release of Still Small Theatre's movie, The Diary of Perpetua! This version includes English subtitles, and is followed by an online Q&A with cast and crew members!
Dominic Sputo shares his testimony of being called to advocate for the persecuted Church and how we are to be involved as members of one body of Christ. The talk was given at the New Wineskins 2019 Conference.
Official trailer for Christians in the Mirror: Stories of Courage and Faith in the Face of Persecution It reveals the intense suffering of persecuted Christians around the world. Watch film on Amazon and Christian Cinema.
Under Caesar's Sword, a documentary that examines how Christians respond to persecution around the world. Based on in-depth research with Christian communities in 30 countries.
Official trailer for Faithkeepers a documentary film about the violent persecution and genocide of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East. Click here to see viewing options.
Love for the Least’s documentary film on the work with refugees from ISIS "Don't Forget Them" has received 28 international film festival selections and 9 major awards. The film has now been released to the general public on Amazon.
Recommended Reading
Reading is a critical part of learning. Here are some great books, blogs, magazines, flyers, and other publications.
Blogs & Articles
Alliance for Persecuted Christians Newsfeed keeps you abreast of the latest stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.
Open Doors Newsfeed. Open Doors works through local networks in more than 60 countries to provide emergency relief and vital care to Christians who are isolated and endangered because of their faith. Visit the Newsfeed to stay up-to-date on the latest stories and requests.
Seven Snares in Relating to the Persecuted Church. The original article was written by a contributor from the Middle East, and adapted for INcontext Ministries by Mike Burnard who has served persecuted believers across the globe for more than 25 years.
Barnabas Fund Resources. Their collection of resources include recommended books, and an archive of their bimonthly magazine and prayer guides.
Flyers on regions of persecution with general information, prayer requests, and ways to get involved. Originally created to be used as an insert for church bulletins.
Bible Verses on Persecution is a pdf document that can be downloaded.
A Biblical Theology of Persecution and Discipleship (2016), an article by Glenn Penner.
Under Caesar's Sword is a collaborative global research project that investigates how Christian communities respond when their religious freedom is severely violated. It is a partnership of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and the Religious Freedom Institute. They have compiled their research into a report, country profiles, and a documentary (which is above).
Information, prayer points, and resources are available to assist you in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.