Celebrate 50 Years With Us!
Dear New Wineskins partner, has God ever broken your heart about an issue or group of people that you care about? As we celebrate 50 years of the New Wineskins ministry, I am reflecting back on our founders, Walter and Louise Hannum.…
Journey through Epiphany: Focus on God’s Heart for all People
At New Wineskins, we desire to mobilize and equip Anglicans for global mission. We invite you to join us for this Epiphany season as we rejoice in Jesus and His desire to draw all people to Himself, to be the Savior of the whole world.
2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: Hope for the Nations Registration Opens
Registration is now open for our eleventh triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 17-20, 2025. The theme is Hope for the Nations. All the conference details and the registration links are available on our conference website: newwineskinsconference.org.
The Next New Wineskins Conference: Hope for the Nations, Sept. 17-20, 2025
Hope. I don’t know an individual, a church, or a nation that couldn’t use more hope. As we look at our world, we see what appear to be hopeless situations all around us from our own lives and communities to global conflicts and strife. But, God… As Christians, we know that our hope is not in ourselves or any entity other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is not only the hope for every person in the world, but, indeed, the hope for all nations!…For this reason, God has shown us that our theme for the 2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference is to be Hope for the Nations!
Introducing Deacon Shelly Sorem as New Wineskins’ Assistant Director
My faith journey began at an Episcopal church that was meeting in a school. My husband and I began attending this church with our two young daughters because they were known for their kid’s program. The priest said the salvation prayer during one of the services and said if you’ve never given your life to Jesus, you can pray along with me and begin today. I repeated the words he said silently in my head and began following Jesus.…
Announcing the Launch of the Anglican Introduction to Missions Curriculum
New Wineskins Missionary Network is excited to announce the launch of our first global mission curriculum: An Anglican Introduction to Missions (AIM)! The course AIMs to highlight the rich theological, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of global missions with a focus on the Anglican Communion. The purpose, intention, or AIM of this training is for every Jesus follower in the Anglican Church in North America to be meaningfully engaged with the frontiers of missions by praying, welcoming, sending, supporting, or going to those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network
As Anglicans, we have been taught about the power of prayer in the Kingdom of God. But do we realize such prayer should focus on fellow Christians, and especially on those who are persecuted for their faith?
It’s sobering, but also joyful, to learn about the persecuted church around the world. At the Anglican Persecuted Church Network, we organize prayer for the persecuted church and coordinate for action.
One Body: Hope for the Persecuted Conference – What You Can Do While You Wait
The One Body: Hope for the Persecuted conference is coming up Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28 at St. Mark's Parish, 2024 S. Collins Street, Arlington, TX! So excited about being together with all of you who care about our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Read on to learn a few simple things you can do until the date of the One Body conference to help persecuted Christians!
Celebrating 30 Years of New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences
Thirty years ago today, on April 27, 1994, New Wineskins Missionary Network (formerly ECMC, Episcopal Church Missionary Community) held its first Global Mission Conference.…
Fulfilling the Great Commission Together
We serve a global God with a boundless heart for each of the 17,000 people groups on the globe. Through awareness, networking, training and resources, the Global Mission Initiative is here to help you find your place in God’s global mission until all have heard!
Announcing Slugs & Bugs Live Concert at the 2022 New Wineskins Conference!
New Wineskins Missionary Network is excited to announce that the upcoming Global Mission Conference in September will feature Slugs & Bugs Live concert for our children attendees and their families! Led by Christian singer-songwriter Randall Goodgame, the concert will furnish an opportunity for children to laugh, sing together, and learn more about God in a fun and creative setting.
New This Year: A Virtual Simulcast of the 2022 New Wineskins Conference!
Can’t attend the New Wineskins Conference in person this fall? Consider hosting a watch party from your location anywhere around the world! New this year, tickets are available for a virtual simulcast of our 2022 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: One Mission, which will take place from September 22-25!
Registration Open for 2022 New Wineskins Conference: One Mission
Registration is now open for our tenth triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 22-25, 2022. This year’s theme is One Mission. All the conference details and the registration links are available at newwineskinsconference.org.
Why do we host New Wineskins Conferences?
Why do we host these New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences? Fruit from the last conference gives us some insight…
Meet Jeremy, Our First Associate Director!
I have not always been an Anglican, but my heartbeat has been connected to the Nations ever since I can remember. As a teenager, I made a faith pledge to God: Go anywhere, Do anything, Speak to anyone, Give anything I have to make Jesus known. God really took me up on that commitment, and my escapades for Jesus commenced.…
Year-End News: God’s Kingdom Breaking Through
Greetings in the precious name of our coming Savior Jesus Christ! What a glorious year 2019 has been! Our 45th year of mission-mobilizing ministry may well have been our most significant year yet, and it would not have been possible without your prayers, involvement, and support.
Come Away with Me and Rest
Many of you know my oldest daughter, Kelly, who has some intellectual disabilities, but is as sweet as honey.…