Celebrate 50 Years With Us!
Has God ever broken your heart about an issue or group of people that you care about? As we celebrate 50 years of the New Wineskins ministry, I am reflecting back on our founders, Walter and Louise Hannum. God broke their hearts when their denomination’s national church made the conscious decision to stop supporting global missions.
I'm sure they looked around them to see who was going to do something about this when God spoke to them saying, “I’m the one raising YOU up to take on this challenge of calling the Church back to the Great Commission!” Thank God that Walter and Louise gave Him their unconditional “Yes.” And thank God that Sharon Steinmiller carried on the mantle after them, and for the amazing fruit of this ministry over five decades. May God continue to break our hearts for what breaks His heart!
In some ways, the Hannum’s vision has actually been fulfilled. We now have an Anglican province in North America that prioritizes global mission. We also have a network of more than 50 agencies and dioceses collaborating to create the “new wineskins” that will hold the new wine that God is pouring out in these days. Some of those new wineskins are:
Anglican Introduction to Missions (AIM) curriculum, our new 6-week curriculum now available through Amazon that any small group or congregation can use to equip for missions;
Role Call, a new 9-month international apprenticeship launching this fall that will enable young adults to test a long-term missional calling and learn how to live on mission for God no matter what vocation they choose;
One Body: Hope for the Persecuted Church Conference, held this past September in Arlington, TX, sponsored by our Anglican Persecuted Church Network, to help us stand with those persecuted for their faith.
Then, this fall, Sept. 17-20, 2025, we will also celebrate 30 years of doing New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences! Our theme is “Hope for the Nations.” Our Early Bird discount will run through March 31. We get excited knowing that God will break the hearts of many attendees for His purposes in the world at that global event. God will orchestrate divine appointments as He did for people like Alex Rivas and create life-changing breakthrough moments, so that more people can give God their unconditional “Yes!” to spread His Name throughout the earth.
In honor of the strong foundation that the Hannum’s began 50 years ago, would you consider a gift of $50, $500 or $5,000? Then, would you consider an additional gift of $50, $500, or $5,000 to sow into the next 50 years of New Wineskins? You can give to our ministry at newwineskins.org/give. I know you will be blessed when YOU give Him your unconditional “Yes!”
Here’s to the next 50 years!
Jenny Noyes is the Executive Director of New Wineskins Missionary Network. She is a passionate speaker, networker, and evangelist. You can contact Jenny here.