On September 26-29 2019, New Wineskins Missionary Network hosted its 9th Global Mission Conference, celebrating 25 years of equipping for mission through New Wineskins conferences!
God was very present with us and that fruit has being seen around the globe. Below you will find a gallery link to the recordings of Mission Awareness Presentations (MAP Talks), a gallery of conference photos, videos with the impact of these conferences, and plenary talk videos.

Hear how New Wineskins positively effected these relationships!
Hear from Rev. John and Lilly.
Plenary Talks
Co-Directors of Operation World, Jason Mandryk & Molly Wall
Simon Guillebaud
The Reverend Dr. Erin Clifford, Director of Spiritual and Missional Formation at Fuller Seminary.
The Reverend Canon Dr. Moses Bushendich, International Director of CMS-Africa.
The Reverend Tad de Bordenave, retired Founder and Director of Anglican Frontier Missions.
Hear from Rev. Mike Wurschmidt.
Dr. David Garrison is Executive Director of Global Gates.
Dominic Sputo, founder of LumenLife.
Hear from Rev. Cn. Rocky & The Rev. Jon.