Announcing Slugs & Bugs Live Concert at the 2022 New Wineskins Conference!

New Wineskins Missionary Network is excited to announce that the upcoming Global Mission Conference in September will feature Slugs & Bugs Live concert for our children attendees and their families! Led by Christian singer-songwriter Randall Goodgame, the concert will furnish an opportunity for children to laugh, sing together, and learn more about God in a fun and creative setting.

Randall Goodgame started creating music in 2006 with the vision of combining his love for music and his heart for ministering to children. From this initial spark of inspiration, he developed Slugs & Bugs, a family entertainment series that aims to teach children about God and the Scriptures through songs, stories, and silliness. Slugs & Bugs has since expanded into multiple albums, picture books, and a TV show, and Randall has even written songs for the Christian children’s animated series Veggie Tales. You can read more about Randall and his work on his website, or watch the video below for more information on Slugs & Bugs concerts.

New Wineskins has always had a heart for children and a desire to help them come to know their loving heavenly Father. We currently have over 150 children already registered as attendees for our upcoming conference in September, and we are overjoyed to have so many of God’s precious children and teens with us! We have extensive childcare and children’s programs planned in which, like their parents, children can interact with many of the amazing missionaries who are also attending. We are dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for children to play and encounter God in new and exciting ways.

Imagine the impact that the New Wineskins Slugs & Bugs concert will have on the hearts and imaginations of your children as they sing from the heart unto the Lord! By planting seeds of faith in the hearts of our children today through the transformative power of music, we believe that we can cultivate in our children a deeper knowledge and love of God and of each other that will last them long into the future.

So we invite you to register both yourself and your children for the New Wineskins conference this September! You can register at this link:


Slugs & Bugs 2021 Live Concert Promo Reel


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