Celebrate 50 Years With Us!
Dear New Wineskins partner, has God ever broken your heart about an issue or group of people that you care about? As we celebrate 50 years of the New Wineskins ministry, I am reflecting back on our founders, Walter and Louise Hannum.…
2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: Hope for the Nations Registration Opens
Registration is now open for our eleventh triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 17-20, 2025. The theme is Hope for the Nations. All the conference details and the registration links are available on our conference website: newwineskinsconference.org.
The Next New Wineskins Conference: Hope for the Nations, Sept. 17-20, 2025
Hope. I don’t know an individual, a church, or a nation that couldn’t use more hope. As we look at our world, we see what appear to be hopeless situations all around us from our own lives and communities to global conflicts and strife. But, God… As Christians, we know that our hope is not in ourselves or any entity other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is not only the hope for every person in the world, but, indeed, the hope for all nations!…For this reason, God has shown us that our theme for the 2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference is to be Hope for the Nations!
Celebrating 30 Years of New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences
Thirty years ago today, on April 27, 1994, New Wineskins Missionary Network (formerly ECMC, Episcopal Church Missionary Community) held its first Global Mission Conference.…
Fulfilling the Great Commission Together
We serve a global God with a boundless heart for each of the 17,000 people groups on the globe. Through awareness, networking, training and resources, the Global Mission Initiative is here to help you find your place in God’s global mission until all have heard!
The Tendrils of the Gospel in North Africa
While on a short-term mission trip to North Africa with Anglican Frontier Missions during the fall of 2022, we were encouraged by the rector of our host church to explore further south where the population is primarily composed of the Berber people group. There was something there he wanted us to discover, and we saw the twinkle in his eye!
Finding Those Called to Go
Today we need both individuals and churches praying and fasting, asking God to show them who he is calling and then bravely stepping up to commission and send them. According to Joshua Project, there are still 7,402 unreached people groups who need to hear the hope of Jesus. We need field partners that are willing to be pioneers, frontline workers for these people groups that will not be easy to reach. Has God already been speaking to you about someone? If so, in the words of Ananias, “What are you waiting for?” (Acts 22:16).
Why do we host New Wineskins Conferences?
Why do we host these New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences? Fruit from the last conference gives us some insight…
Make Plans Now for World Mission Sunday 2019
February 10, 2019, is one of the most potent days in our coming year: “Anglican World Mission Sunday.”
Serving Jesus in the Arctic
I had the chance to catch up with my friend and seminary colleague Rebecca Osborn. She and her husband, Jared, are priests serving the Lord in Iqaluit, Canada.
How Big is Your God, Really?
In January, the former Archbishop and Primate of the Church of Uganda died and was celebrated. His funeral was not only a national event, it was an international marker of the amazing changes in Africa, especially within the Anglican churches of Africa.
What Kind of Soil are You?
God’s first choice for where humankind should live was a garden. The soil in the Garden of Eden was completely fertile and every kind of flower, tree and plant imaginable grew in perfect conditions.
The Commandment for the Commission
These days you often hear about mission strategies, development, objectives, and programs. Effective ways of evangelism, business plans, mission statements, vision casting, and church growth. A few months ago, my husband, Bo and I had the opportunity to look at several different Anglican church profiles and mission statements. They had one thing in common: all of them had church growth at the top of their priority list.