An Invitation to a Holy Lent
I recently received a wedding invitation in the mail. I was so excited as I began to think about celebrating this upcoming marriage. I spoke to the mother of the bride and she was excited too, but had struggled to cut down the guest list. Generally, invitations are exclusive – only those invited can participate. In our liturgy for Ash Wednesday, there is an invitation – an invitation to the observance of a holy Lent. Unlike most invitations, this one is not exclusive. Instead, it is open to everyone.
Celebrate 50 Years With Us!
Dear New Wineskins partner, has God ever broken your heart about an issue or group of people that you care about? As we celebrate 50 years of the New Wineskins ministry, I am reflecting back on our founders, Walter and Louise Hannum.…
Generosity During Global Economic Crisis
Our giving should never be tied to our circumstances, our emotions or even our bank account balances. We give because we are commanded to give by our Lord, we want to be like Jesus, and we are blessed to be a blessing to others