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Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network

As Anglicans, we have been taught about the power of prayer in the Kingdom of God. But do we realize such prayer should focus on fellow Christians, and especially on those who are persecuted for their faith?

It’s sobering, but also joyful, to learn about the persecuted church around the world. At the Anglican Persecuted Church Network, we organize prayer for the persecuted church and coordinate for action.

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Fulfilling our First Commission: The Anglican Creation Care Network

In his first commission to us in Genesis 1, God gave us two interconnected orders. The first was to be fruitful and multiply. We have done quite well with that part, with our world population now over eight billion. The second was to rule over and tend to his creation. We don’t often do as well with that one. However, the Church has an opportunity to lead the way in stewarding creation and, in doing so, point others to their Creator.

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