Generosity During Global Economic Crisis

Our giving should never be tied to our circumstances, our emotions or even our bank account balances. We give because we are commanded to give by our Lord, we want to be like Jesus, and we are blessed to be a blessing to others:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." ~ Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

Whatever percentage of your income you regularly give, I challenge you to not decrease it though your financial circumstances may indeed change over the coming days. Once my husband Larry and I suffered a substantial loss of income during a transition. We decided to continue to give the same amount that we had already pledged for that year, not just the percentage of our income we had committed to. When we did our taxes, it ended up being 20% of our income that year, but, because of the Lord's goodness to us, we never even noticed a change in our lifestyle.

I encourage you to remain faithful in your giving and see how God will provide for you in miraculous ways as you trust in Him. 

We value every financial gift to New Wineskins no matter the size. We are also part of the Anglican Global Mission Partners and we all need our supporters to continue and even increase their giving during this economic downturn. I always like to remind folks: "If Anglicans don't give to Anglican missions, then who will?"

You can give to New Wineskins here.

Jenny Noyes is the Executive Director of New Wineskins Missionary Network. She is a passionate speaker, networker, and evangelist. For fun, Jenny can be found riding ElliptiGOs with her husband Larry, playing tennis, and spending time with her family.  You can contact Jenny here.


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