Stories Guest User Stories Guest User

“Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb”

In 1993, just a few weeks into our marriage, my wife, Catherine, told me she was pregnant. We were both shocked, because that was not our plan. In fact, our plan was to wait until we’d grown up a little bit and were more established. But suddenly we were faced with a life-altering reality that we didn’t intentionally seek, but we did ultimately choose.

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Resources Guest User Resources Guest User

A Fellowship of Fasting & Feasting

How do we make room in our lives to more fully participate in Lent 2024? What do we subtract or fast from to create margin in order to grow closer to the Lord? What disciplines do we add or take on in this Holy season? We invite you to join us on a journey this Lent in fasting and feasting in community with Anglicans across the globe.

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Biblical Foundations Guest User Biblical Foundations Guest User

God's Good Life

We enter the story of the Good Samaritan with the dialogue of Jesus and the lawyer. This well-educated lawyer was steeped in Jewish law, but he had never met anyone like Jesus. This rabbi had done miracles, drew crowds, and alienated the religious establishment. The lawyer wanted to test him.

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Stories Jenny Noyes Stories Jenny Noyes

111: The Power of the Little Red Sticker

A year ago this week, 1,600 of us from 65 nations were gathered at Ridgecrest for the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference! Our theme of One Mission encouraged everyone, young and old alike, to pray into how God was calling them to Be the one, See the one, and Share the One True God!

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Stories Guest User Stories Guest User

The Tendrils of the Gospel in North Africa

While on a short-term mission trip to North Africa with Anglican Frontier Missions during the fall of 2022, we were encouraged by the rector of our host church to explore further south where the population is primarily composed of the Berber people group. There was something there he wanted us to discover, and we saw the twinkle in his eye!

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Event Guest User Event Guest User

Day of the Christian Martyr 2023

According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year, Christians around the world will take time on June 29 and throughout that weekend to honor the legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the Gospel.

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Networks Guest User Networks Guest User

Network News: Updates from AISMN

Aloha friends, and welcome to the first Anglican International Student Ministry (AISMN) blog! We hope that this additional means of contemporary communication will provide an enhanced and current sense of community of those involved or interested in sharing God's love and hospitality with international students.

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Stories Guest User Stories Guest User

A Reflection on Gafcon IV

At Gafcon IV, I was the youth delegate from the ACNA’s Diocese of the South, representing 53 churches. To serve this end, I made it my top priority to learn all that I could from fellow, global Christians in order to bring this learning back with me. I can say that what took place at Gafcon far exceeded my expectations.

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Partnerships & Projects Guest User Partnerships & Projects Guest User

Lent Day 27: Global Anglicans On The Street

Anglicans are drawing near to immigrants and refugees both in our neighborhoods and around the world. As North American Anglicans, we are not alone in learning to love those who are immigrating to our neighborhoods. Christians around the world have set such a beautiful example for us to follow in how we welcome the stranger, entertaining angels unawares. Today’s story looks at the work of one such Christ-follower: Rev. John Chol Daau.

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Partnerships & Projects Guest User Partnerships & Projects Guest User

Draw Near, Contend for Shalom Lent Day 14: Local Anglicans On The Street

Recognizing this disconnect between the cost of living and employment opportunities for “low-skilled” workers, Crystal established the Lagniappe Center (pronounced lan-yap and meaning “something extra”) in the basement of Grace Anglican Church. The Lagniappe Center is a leadership and job-skills development initiative designed to equip low-income parents for living-wage employment.

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