Jerusalem through the Eyes of Jesus: Reflecting on Palm Sunday in the Light of the Present Conflict in the Holy Land
It was Saturday, October 14 last year. The BBC Radio was about to play a pre-recorded interview with a spokesman for Hamas and needed to explain to listeners something in advance…
“Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb”
In 1993, just a few weeks into our marriage, my wife, Catherine, told me she was pregnant. We were both shocked, because that was not our plan. In fact, our plan was to wait until we’d grown up a little bit and were more established. But suddenly we were faced with a life-altering reality that we didn’t intentionally seek, but we did ultimately choose.
A Fellowship of Fasting & Feasting
How do we make room in our lives to more fully participate in Lent 2024? What do we subtract or fast from to create margin in order to grow closer to the Lord? What disciplines do we add or take on in this Holy season? We invite you to join us on a journey this Lent in fasting and feasting in community with Anglicans across the globe.
God's Good Life
We enter the story of the Good Samaritan with the dialogue of Jesus and the lawyer. This well-educated lawyer was steeped in Jewish law, but he had never met anyone like Jesus. This rabbi had done miracles, drew crowds, and alienated the religious establishment. The lawyer wanted to test him.
We Love Kids: A Brief Introduction
We Love Kids began in 2003, as I (Joni Flye) and those working alongside me saw the unmet needs of the children being reached with the gospel message in Vietnam and Cambodia.…
111: The Power of the Little Red Sticker
A year ago this week, 1,600 of us from 65 nations were gathered at Ridgecrest for the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference! Our theme of One Mission encouraged everyone, young and old alike, to pray into how God was calling them to Be the one, See the one, and Share the One True God!
A Follow-Up Report on the Colossal Earthquakes in Turkey
It’s been nine months since two massive earthquakes devastated southeastern Turkey. The people of this sprawling region are still suffering and longing for help. Recently, several of us traveled to southeast Turkey to bring encouragement and to offer support with their new reality.
An Ex-Muslim Christian is Baptized: The Testimony of Timothy* in Indonesia
“So, first time to know about Christianity [was] from my friends at school and my neighborhood. I live near a Catholic Church and Christian [Protestant] Church in [part of Indonesia].…”
AFM's Mission Curriculum is Here!
I’m thrilled to announce that AFM’s four-week, video-driven global mission’s curriculum is finally available!
Israel War Relief and Prayer Update from CMJ USA
In the midst of different responsibilities here in Pittsburgh, I have been monitoring the news, as I expect many of you have. The numbers and violent stories are hard to process.
The Tendrils of the Gospel in North Africa
While on a short-term mission trip to North Africa with Anglican Frontier Missions during the fall of 2022, we were encouraged by the rector of our host church to explore further south where the population is primarily composed of the Berber people group. There was something there he wanted us to discover, and we saw the twinkle in his eye!
Day of the Christian Martyr 2023
According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year, Christians around the world will take time on June 29 and throughout that weekend to honor the legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the Gospel.
What is ARDF?
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund has been around since 2004, but with this long name it can sometimes be confusing to know who they are and what they do. Thankfully, their mission can be explained by their acronym: ARDF.
Network News: Updates from AISMN
Aloha friends, and welcome to the first Anglican International Student Ministry (AISMN) blog! We hope that this additional means of contemporary communication will provide an enhanced and current sense of community of those involved or interested in sharing God's love and hospitality with international students.
A Reflection on Gafcon IV
At Gafcon IV, I was the youth delegate from the ACNA’s Diocese of the South, representing 53 churches. To serve this end, I made it my top priority to learn all that I could from fellow, global Christians in order to bring this learning back with me. I can say that what took place at Gafcon far exceeded my expectations.
Firstfruits of God's Middle East Peace Plan
Ruhan – a young Jordanian man – had been sitting in the back of the room listening, unbeknownst to most of us. He spoke only Arabic. He had never met anyone from Israel.
Caring for God’s Creation On Earth Day, And Every Day!
While Earth Day gains momentum globally, Christians have largely avoided engagement with the secular community. Yet, as Christians, we should be the first to take action, as God gives us responsibility to tend and care for all of Creation (Genesis 2:15).
Lent Day 27: Global Anglicans On The Street
Anglicans are drawing near to immigrants and refugees both in our neighborhoods and around the world. As North American Anglicans, we are not alone in learning to love those who are immigrating to our neighborhoods. Christians around the world have set such a beautiful example for us to follow in how we welcome the stranger, entertaining angels unawares. Today’s story looks at the work of one such Christ-follower: Rev. John Chol Daau.
Asbury Revival 2023: When Once Again God Used Students to Wake the Church
Monday, February 20, marked the thirteenth consecutive day, and the concluding public service, of a new, fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University. This ongoing gathering started at the Christian school in Wilmore, Kentucky, but it has spread far beyond Wilmore to many other schools, such as Cedarville University and Lee University…
Draw Near, Contend for Shalom Lent Day 14: Local Anglicans On The Street
Recognizing this disconnect between the cost of living and employment opportunities for “low-skilled” workers, Crystal established the Lagniappe Center (pronounced lan-yap and meaning “something extra”) in the basement of Grace Anglican Church. The Lagniappe Center is a leadership and job-skills development initiative designed to equip low-income parents for living-wage employment.