Caring for God’s Creation On Earth Day, And Every Day!


Happy Earth Day 2023!

53 years ago, a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara sparked campus teach-ins to bring attention to air and water pollution issues. It gained traction and broadened to include other national organizations and eventually gained the attention of 20 million Americans, leading to the first Earth day (1970). By 1990, it was a global activism event and is now one of the biggest secular observances in the world with over a billion people calling for action. Some churches engaged, others pulled back, confused and theologically uneasy about how to proceed.

While Earth Day gains momentum globally, Christians have largely avoided engagement with the secular community. Yet, as Christians, we should be the first to take action, as God gives us responsibility to tend and care for all of Creation (Genesis 2:15). God gives value to all of Creation because it was created by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16). In this realization that caring for Creation is a powerful way to demonstrate God’s love, to love our neighbors and to share Christ through Creation, may this Earth Day be one where God’s children engage, equip and begin to turn the conversation! May we go forth as lights into the world.

Christians have the most convincing argument for stewardship and care towards our natural world; yet, we are slow to act and timid to discuss out of fear of political offense, among other things. The time is now! The world needs the good news of Christ and, now more than ever, stewards to lead movements and turn hearts to care for all living things. Care for Creation has the potential to draw non-believers of all kinds to the redeeming cross of Christ as their eyes are opened to the sovereignty and all-knowing character of the God we serve. May we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, be obedient to God’s call, entrusting us to be stewards of His Creation, to love and serve our neighbors through this care and to draw hearts towards His as He reveals his glory in all of Creation.

The Anglican Creation Care Network (ACCN) exists to reclaim Christ as Creator by igniting, captivating, and equipping faithful stewards of creation. God is drawing us to Himself through Creation. He is revealing Himself through Creation. He is redeeming Creation, and we are participants called to engage in His plan. You are invited to journey with us, the Anglican Creation Care Network, in walking through scripture and in prayer to hear what God has to say about Creation, our relationship with Creation and our relationship to Christ and the Creator.

We believe God’s Creation is one the most strategic evangelistic tools of our day. We are excited to partner with Anglicans around the world to pray, share ideas, and engage about how we can share Christ through Creation. Join us on the second Monday of each month from 8-9 p.m. EST on Zoom for prayer and a time of cross pollinating where we hear about how you and others are engaging the Church in Creation Care! To join, please email us at

How YOU can get involved in Creation care on Earth Day and everyday!

1. Explore - worship God and experience His creativity and beauty outside

2. Pray - ask God to draw you to Him as you spend time in Creation

3. Reflect - use the ACCN Creation Care Devotional

4. Learn - discover ways your church can be involved

5. Join - become a part of the ACCN and our monthly Zoom calls. To join, please email us!

6. Engage - get involved in stewardship projects in your area

7. Act - visit the ACCN website and ACCN resource page and choose your favorite practical ways to care for Creation

We look forward to connecting with you soon!


Dr. Rev. Mary McDonald and Dr. Gretchen Stokes

Co-Founders, Anglican Creation Care Network

Keep reading below for a list of ways you can care for creation through sustainability! You can learn more about the ACCN here and access more Creation Care resources here.

Here are 10 sustainable swaps you can make with everyday items to Care for Creation!

1. Paper made from elephant poo


2. Dog toys made from recycled ocean plastics


3. Ethically and sustainably sourced chocolate


4. Zero-waste shampoo, conditioner, soap and deodorant bars!


5. Shade grown, fair-trade, carbon-neutral coffee!


6. Compostable sponges


7. Reusable soap containers with tab refills


8. Compostable dog poo bags


9. Beeswax wrap (replacement for plastic wrap!)


10. Reusable napkins and napkin rings


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