Faith Forged in Fire (My Experience in The Agape Year)
For those of you who don’t know, Agape Year is a new gap year program for recently graduated high schoolers. The program is located in Pittsburgh, and is an Anglican Global Mission Partners’ Initiative.
Inner-Healing Testimony - New Wineskins 2013
It was at the end of an evening plenary session at New Wineskins Global Mission Conference in 2013 that a healing and peace came over me that was totally unexpected.
Coming out as a Christian to your Muslim Family, Part 2 of 2
I am an Anglican priest in Madrid, Spain. I often observe this practice of letting the practices of our tiny Protestant community be determined to a great extent by not doing what the Roman Catholics do. I understand the historical and contextual reasons for this practice. But in the long run it is not a recipe for fruitfulness. In the same way, the winsomeness of the Christian faith should be allowed to stand on its own.
Coming out as a Christian to your Muslim Family, Part 1 of 2
This is now the fourth installation in my series on pastoral care for Christians who have converted from Islam. We started by addressing the issue of baptism, then the personality of God as portrayed in the Qur’an v. the Bible, and then the role of history in helping to form a firm identity for the convert.
The Door is Open, The Time is Now
“Jesus never raised a sword against anyone!” If that statement sounds unremarkable to you, consider how it might strike a Muslim fleeing war in his native land.
You Were Made for More
“You were made for more.” I longed to her those words as a teenager – and in some way, I think we all do, really.
Anglicans for Life
I was at a meeting of pro-life leaders. Some of whom have been fighting abortion since it was legalized in 1973, and a few gave presentations reflecting their opinions of where we are in this battle for life.
Bread Stories from Kenya and Uganda
When my husband Aaron was a fourth year medical student, we got to spend six weeks in a historic hospital called Kijabe. It is north of Nairobi and staying there was our first time in Africa, where we dreamed of living one day.
Part 2: The Role of History in Pastoral Care for Christians from a Muslim Background
Familiarity with history also allows for the recognition of self-worth and value for one’s local Christian community. It was striking to see how CMBs in North Africa were energized by hearing that their local bishop martyr, Cyprian, had made such a lasting and profound impact on Christian theology and ecclesiology.
Part 1: The Role of History in Pastoral Care for Christians from a Muslim Background
It happened twice, once in North Africa and once in Constantinople. I had been invited to give some lectures to congregations consisting mostly of Christians from a Muslim background (CMBs).
Visiting the Batwa Pygmies in Uganda
I just returned from an incredible trip with this team sharing Christ and giving goats to the Batwa pygmies in Uganda.
A Revolutionary Idea
In 2007, my wife, Carol, and I joined another couple from Christ Church Anglican, Savannah to attend the New Wineskins Conference. The Lord used the first two talks by Bishop Derek Eaton and Bishop Rennis Ponniah, which by “accident” both focused on the call of Abraham in Geneses 12:1, to confirm a call to Carol and me to sell our business and get ready to do full time mission work.
Orphaned Heart Ministry
In 2007, I performed my musical testimony, “Lord Make Me the Person You Want Me to be” in Uganda. I was invited to do this in the town of Hoima for 1,500 residents and also at Uganda Christian University (UCU) for nearly 2,000 students. It amazed me how deeply it touched the souls of those in the audience.
Tips for Supporting your Cross-Cultural Worker, Both Overseas and When They’re on Home Assignment
I’ve been a CCW for over a decade in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. Each assignment has come with its unique challenges, and I am always so grateful for what I like to call “home support.”
Join us for “An American Lent”
“An American Lent” is a journey through our country’s history of slavery, segregation, and racism with the hope of healing. The aim is that—through the prayers, reflections, and responses—to not only be grieved into repenting but that we would all leave this experience bearing fruit in keeping with repentance and be agents of healing across divisions and pain.
And I Tell You, You Are Peter, and on this Rock I will Build my Church
After spending a couple of weeks in Thailand this January, I had the opportunity to stopover in Laos for a few days on my back to Pittsburgh.
Kingdom Kids Create "Jewelry With A Purpose Project"
Isn’t it fun when God shows us His creative solutions to situations in our lives? That is exactly what happened with the ‘Jewelry With A Purpose’ project.
From Mission Minded to Missionary
As Christians, we are all called to be mission-minded, seeing ourselves as everyday missionaries wherever we happen to live and at whatever life stage we happen to be.
God in the Bible, Allah in the Qur’an, and Teaching your ex-Muslim Christian
In October of 2018 we founded al kanisa al masihiya fi Madrid—the Christian Church of Madrid—an Arabic-language weekly fellowship. We were meeting in a borrowed space from a Latino Assemblies of God congregation in Tetuan, a neighborhood with a large Muslim population north of downtown.
Give Your Church a Vision for the World
Most of us recognise that we live in a very big, very complex world where there’s a lot going on in the global church that we’re not aware of or that we don’t quite understand. Most of us also recognise that God desires his people to pray for his will to be done, and his kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven.