Join us for “An American Lent”

“An American Lent” is a journey through our country’s history of slavery, segregation, and racism with the hope of healing. The aim is that—through the prayers, reflections, and responses—to not only be grieved into repenting but that we would all leave this experience bearing fruit in keeping with repentance and be agents of healing across divisions and pain. Because, repentance looks like something. Tangible evidence of our transformation is broadcast in our words and actions, in our giving and service, in our lives and communities.

Each week in “An American Lent,” we will encounter new perspectives as we journey from the slave trade through the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the civil rights movement to modern-day racial injustice. In the last week, Holy Week, we will navigate suffering, forgiveness, communion, and ultimately—resurrection. Each day, in the responses and prayers, we encourage you to participate afresh in the Great Commission to be Christ’s hands and feet of reconciliation—starting in your own heart, and then in your family and community. “An American Lent” can be used individually, and is especially powerful for small groups and churches.

To download the full guide or use the online daily guide visit the Repentance Project website, here.


“An American Lent” is provided by the Repentance Project. Our organization was born out of grief and desire. The grief comes from knowing that the wounds inflicted by centuries of slavery are not yet healed. The resulting legacy of racial oppression still exists and continues to affect millions of lives, both black and white. The desire comes from knowing that these wounds can be healed, and that there really is hope for the “beloved community” of which Martin Luther King, Jr. so often spoke.

The mission of the Repentance Project is to encourage racial healing by communicating the systemic legacies of slavery, building relationships, and creating opportunities—through formation, repentance, and repair—for a just future.

“An American Lent” is provided by the Repentance Project. We aim to facilitate opportunities for mutual flourishing and to create a more just future together. Both individually and collectively, we can help heal by choosing to: recognize, repent, and respond in the context of relationships. To connect with us, visit our website at or email us.


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