To Whom Will You Reach Out?
As we look to 2025, it seems appropriate to focus on Evangelistic Mission. What better time than the beginning of the Season of Epiphany to stir up one another to love in good deeds towards those outside the community of Faith?
New Wine for New Wineskins
From September 22nd to 25th, the American Anglican Council (AAC) attended the New Wineskins for Global Mission Conference in Ridgecrest, NC, directed by Jenny Noyes. Some 1,600 Anglicans from around the globe attended this triennial gathering focused on global missions. Included were archbishops, bishops, clergy, lay leaders, and many youth and children. It was a wonderful, Spirit-filled, worshipping reunion of Anglicans on fire for local and global mission.
Registration Open for 2022 New Wineskins Conference: One Mission
Registration is now open for our tenth triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 22-25, 2022. This year’s theme is One Mission. All the conference details and the registration links are available at
Why do we host New Wineskins Conferences?
Why do we host these New Wineskins Global Mission Conferences? Fruit from the last conference gives us some insight…
The New Face of Global Anglican Mission
Arlinda Sá Souza had a dream over thirty years ago as a new Christian in Brazil that God is still using in her life today.
Two Old Men
It was a blazing hot day, our second clinic day in the village of Ntooma. The Gospel tent was buzzing with activity as our Ugandan evangelism and prayer teams were ministering to the clinic patients. Dr. Chris Keenan, the team dentist, led a ninety-year-old man over to our area. Chris explained that the man had a terminal tumor in his throat and that even back in the US there was nothing that could be done medically to save him. Chris, himself a strong Christian, knew that the best we could do was offer him the Gospel and prayer ministry. Chris also told me that the aged man had been candidly told the seriousness of his condition.
Returning from a Conference
The flight home from a conference is always a mixed bag. A number of years ago, I returned from Plano, Texas, where we held our Anglican 1000 gathering affirming our commitment to new churches. I was full of vision and energy. Scribbling in a notepad on my seat-back tray, I wrote notes of new friends and old, ideas and vision, challenges and goals. Could there be a more exciting time for a minister of the gospel? We were planting churches!