New Wineskins, AFM, and Me

Written by The Rev. Dr. Bradley P. Roderick, Associate Professor of Mission and Co-Director of the Stanway Institute, Trinity School for Ministry, and reposted with permission from AFM’s The Comings & Goings January 2022.

Just about three years ago, my wife Gretchen and I were close to making the decision to join the Anglican Communion. We had learned the history of the Anglican church, studied her theology, fallen in love with the rhythms of the Book of Common Prayer and become actively involved in a local Anglican parish. But having spent nearly three decades as missionaries, we had one last hurdle to consider. Do Anglicans still do missions? If so, how? I contacted several people in an attempt to gain some insight, expecting a list of books or possibly the name of a centralized agency. Instead, what I heard from every corner was, “You MUST attend the New Wineskins Conference.”

As the time for the conference grew nearer, we got a second piece of advice: if possible, go early and attend Anglican Frontier Mission’s pre-conference. That seemed like wise counsel, so we arrived a day early (technically, we arrived TWO days early, so we could take advantage of the hiking trails near Ridgecrest). We listened as cross-cultural workers serving around the globe with AFM gave reports from the field. We joined hearts and hands as we prayed for more workers to reach more places.

Then, as the New Wineskins Conference continued, we had one divine appointment after another. We met missionaries, missionary bishops and canons, mission agency leaders, students preparing to be missionaries, and church leaders from around the globe. We were inspired, challenged, reassured, and challenged again, all in the space of four days.

Today, after a trail of circumstances that only the Lord could have orchestrated, Gretchen is serving as the Training Coordinator for AFM, and I am Associate Professor of Mission and the Co-director of the Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism at the Trinity School for Ministry. My first question during the interview process with Trinity was: “If I am hired, would I be allowed to bring some students to the New Wineskins Conference in 2022?” I was delighted by the answer—"we shut down the campus and take all of the students every time.”

As the time for New Wineskins 2022 grows closer, I am thrilled to have the opportunity for Trinity to partner with AFM in offering a preconference, Reaching Muslims with the Gospel. The AFM Security Coordinator, AFM Frontline workers, and I will be discussing how the Spirit of God is moving through the Islamic World, calling people from frontier Muslim peoples to Himself. We will share tips on how to share the good news with the Muslims God is bringing into our path, and we will pray for more open doors, more response, more churches, and more training for indigenous leaders for the emerging churches.

If you can, I encourage you to come to New Wineskins Conference and to come early for the pre-conferences (Sep. 20-25) in Ridgecrest, NC. Trust me—it could change your world!

Dr. Roderick has a Master of Divinity and a PhD from New Orleans Baptist Seminary and has authored numerous articles in the area of mission. He has extensive experience in mission and evangelism, having been a church planter in New England and a cross-cultural missionary for over nineteen years in India and Indonesia and a Chairman and Professor of the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary Missions Department since 2017. He is currently the Associate Professor of Mission and Co-Director of the Stanway Institute, Trinity School for Ministry.


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