Call to Pray for Sri Lanka
We are hearing from Bishop Dhiloraj Canagasbey about the severe economic crisis in Sri Lanka that threatens to turn into starvation.
With food, fuel, medicine, and electricity becoming increasingly scarce, there is a mood of desperation across the country that has resulted in thousands gathering in a large civilian uprising, asking for the resignation of their president. People are dying in queues waiting for fuel and politicians have warned that starvation may be on the horizon, so pressing are the food shortages.
Bishop Dhilo writes, “Please pray for a peaceful turnover of the government and that the Lord will save the thousands of young people protesting before the President’s office from military massacre.”
Please pray for the Church in Sri Lanka and especially Bishop Dhilo as they respond to the people’s great need. May the Prince of Peace reign in Sri Lanka!
Read more about the current crisis in Sri Lanka in this article from The Guardian.