To Whom Will You Reach Out?
As we look to 2025, it seems appropriate to focus on Evangelistic Mission. What better time than the beginning of the Season of Epiphany to stir up one another to love in good deeds towards those outside the community of Faith?
Journey through Epiphany: Focus on God’s Heart for all People
At New Wineskins, we desire to mobilize and equip Anglicans for global mission. We invite you to join us for this Epiphany season as we rejoice in Jesus and His desire to draw all people to Himself, to be the Savior of the whole world.
Introducing Deacon Shelly Sorem as New Wineskins’ Assistant Director
My faith journey began at an Episcopal church that was meeting in a school. My husband and I began attending this church with our two young daughters because they were known for their kid’s program. The priest said the salvation prayer during one of the services and said if you’ve never given your life to Jesus, you can pray along with me and begin today. I repeated the words he said silently in my head and began following Jesus.…
We Love Kids: A Brief Introduction
We Love Kids began in 2003, as I (Joni Flye) and those working alongside me saw the unmet needs of the children being reached with the gospel message in Vietnam and Cambodia.…
A Follow-Up Report on the Colossal Earthquakes in Turkey
It’s been nine months since two massive earthquakes devastated southeastern Turkey. The people of this sprawling region are still suffering and longing for help. Recently, several of us traveled to southeast Turkey to bring encouragement and to offer support with their new reality.
AFM's Mission Curriculum is Here!
I’m thrilled to announce that AFM’s four-week, video-driven global mission’s curriculum is finally available!
The Tendrils of the Gospel in North Africa
While on a short-term mission trip to North Africa with Anglican Frontier Missions during the fall of 2022, we were encouraged by the rector of our host church to explore further south where the population is primarily composed of the Berber people group. There was something there he wanted us to discover, and we saw the twinkle in his eye!
A Reflection on Epiphany
January 6th highlights a group of God's children. The traditional day of the visit of the Magi reminds us of the Persian visitors to the Holy Family. They bring us Gentile children of God, people who have no knowledge of God, or his Son, or his transforming love. The number of these individuals today is so staggering that they just slide by, omitted in most missions.
Steps to Finding the Lost (Part 4)
This is the last in our series on steps to finding the lost. In the previous parts (which you can find here, here and here), we saw that there are 3 essential steps to reaching the lost. Being aware and seeing that people are lost without Christ, praying to God for laborers for the harvest among them and finally, taking actionable steps to “send and go.” I would like to end with some practical steps that we as C4SO churches collectively can take.
Beauty from Pandemic Ashes: On the Eighth Day
How could we be missional? How could we move into the world with the love and the reality of Jesus when everything was shutting down around us? That’s the question a small group of friends was asking as Covid-19 pulled most of the world into isolation.
Registration Open for 2022 New Wineskins Conference: One Mission
Registration is now open for our tenth triennial New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, which will take place at Ridgecrest Conference Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, September 22-25, 2022. This year’s theme is One Mission. All the conference details and the registration links are available at
A Calling to West Africa, Allan and Theresa Weikel
Feeling a tug on our hearts, we began pushing on doors to see if God was calling us to missions. One of the doors we walked through was the New Wineskins conference in Fall 2019. We went seeking to confirm God’s call.
Every Parish a Missional Parish
It was the fall of 1994 and a church plant group in the western suburbs of Fairfax County, Virginia, was excited to finally be calling its first official rector.
Does Praying for Missionaries Make a Difference?
How do you pray for mission work when you don’t have very many details? Or, you don’t know the places where our partner missioners are working? Or, you can’t pronounce their names? Or, you don’t understand their context? Or…or…or…
Obedience Over Excellence
I confess that I struggle with perfectionism. It seems that even despite my best intentions to the contrary, I so often set up this image in my mind of what excellence looks like, and then I beat myself up as I struggle to attain it…or descend into shame as I inevitably fall short.
Fire and Faithfulness: The Anglican Church in Brazil
I’d heard testimonies and stories, but after experiencing firsthand what must be one of the most dynamic groups of Anglican churches, I’m more excited than ever to gather together in Brazil later this year.
The Commandment for the Commission
These days you often hear about mission strategies, development, objectives, and programs. Effective ways of evangelism, business plans, mission statements, vision casting, and church growth. A few months ago, my husband, Bo and I had the opportunity to look at several different Anglican church profiles and mission statements. They had one thing in common: all of them had church growth at the top of their priority list.
Samoan Culture in Australian Missions
We recently returned from a one month mission to Australia in which we saw God’s faithfulness abundantly. There were four of us on the team; Fr. John & Patti Sosnowski, Tina and me. The invitation to Australia came from our daughters and their husbands, Stacey & Simon Fua (missionaries with YWAM) and Kerry & Daniel Berris (who lead an Anglican Church plant).…
Takeaways from ACNA Assembly 2017: Mission on our Doorstep
I’m sitting on our plane, flying back to North Carolina from Chicago, still reeling and absorbing all that ACNA Assembly 2017: Mission on our Doorstep was and offered to me.…
Breaking the Injera
When I first step off the plane, turning the corner into the crowded terminal and before I even collect my suitcase from baggage claim, I’m hit by a deep, rich aroma of berbere. Berbere is a pepper that is fire-roasted, sun-dried, and ground into a red powder that spices nearly every dish in Ethiopian cuisine.…