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A Reflection on Epiphany

January 6th highlights a group of God's children. The traditional day of the visit of the Magi reminds us of the Persian visitors to the Holy Family. They bring us Gentile children of God, people who have no knowledge of God, or his Son, or his transforming love. The number of these individuals today is so staggering that they just slide by, omitted in most missions.

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How-To's Guest User How-To's Guest User

Steps to Finding the Lost (Part 4)

This is the last in our series on steps to finding the lost. In the previous parts (which you can find here, here and here), we saw that there are 3 essential steps to reaching the lost. Being aware and seeing that people are lost without Christ, praying to God for laborers for the harvest among them and finally, taking actionable steps to “send and go.” I would like to end with some practical steps that we as C4SO churches collectively can take.

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