A Fellowship of Fasting & Feasting
How do we make room in our lives to more fully participate in Lent 2024? What do we subtract or fast from to create margin in order to grow closer to the Lord? What disciplines do we add or take on in this Holy season? We invite you to join us on a journey this Lent in fasting and feasting in community with Anglicans across the globe.
A Follow-Up Report on the Colossal Earthquakes in Turkey
It’s been nine months since two massive earthquakes devastated southeastern Turkey. The people of this sprawling region are still suffering and longing for help. Recently, several of us traveled to southeast Turkey to bring encouragement and to offer support with their new reality.
Blessing Families & Training Missionaries Through Kids' Sports Camps
In their first year of planting Rise Church in Portland, the Rev. Dan and Carrie Wolf were asking a simple question, “God, how can we bless and serve our neighbors?” The Wolfs have two young children (Coen, age 4, and Gemma, age 2), and as they met other young families in their neighborhood and at local playgrounds, their hearts were struck by the toll that the pandemic was taking on both parents and children.…
Part 2: The Role of History in Pastoral Care for Christians from a Muslim Background
Familiarity with history also allows for the recognition of self-worth and value for one’s local Christian community. It was striking to see how CMBs in North Africa were energized by hearing that their local bishop martyr, Cyprian, had made such a lasting and profound impact on Christian theology and ecclesiology.
Better Together: Reaching out to Refugees in Pittsburgh
I was put in touch with Aisha, a Muslim woman from Syria, through a friend working in Jordan. I visited Aisha when she first arrived in Pittsburgh to offer assistance with living in a new country and to simply be a friendly face.
Why Some Muslims are Attracted to Christianity
More Muslims have converted to the Way of Jesus Christ in the last four decades than in all the other years since the advent of Islam in the 7th Century. Something is certainly happening among Muslims and there is an openness in their society that was not there before.