Coronavirus — An Opportunity to Advance the Gospel?

This post first appeared on March 19th, 2020 in the Voice of the Martyrs e-newsletter.

We live in tumultuous times. But we can take comfort, as do our brothers and sisters in hostile areas and restricted nations, in trusting that our loving heavenly Father holds each of us in the palm of His hand. He is never fearful or panicked; we belong to Him and are in His care. Therefore, we can remain at perfect peace in any circumstance (Isaiah 26:3–4).

Times of uncertainty often provide opportunities for advancing the gospel. As in Joseph’s day, God can use bad situations for the good of His people and kingdom (Genesis 50:20). In recent days, we’ve seen two specific examples of how God is working through our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters to do exactly that:

  • In an Islamic country heavily affected by the coronavirus, Christians are handing out masks and offering help to those forced to stay in their homes under quarantine. When asked why they are helping, they have a great opportunity to share about Jesus’ love and how He helps us overcome fear.

  • Christians in parts of China affected by the coronavirus have felt more freedom to boldly witness for Christ because China’s oppressive facial-recognition cameras are less likely to identify them when they are wearing masks.

As you assess the risks of the coronavirus and make decisions for your family, we ask you to pray specifically and fervently for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of the countries most affected by the pandemic so far are also countries where believers face persecution every day.

Here are five specific ways you can pray during these uncertain times:

  1. Pray for the protection of those not infected and for the healing of those who have become infected. Pray that they will trust in God and feel His presence and care each day.

  2. Pray that Christians around the world and in the U.S. will seek opportunities to advance God’s kingdom amid the confusion and fear caused by the pandemic.

  3. Pray for eternal fruit as Christians in China and other nations reach out to those affected by or fearful of the coronavirus.

  4. Pray that followers of Christ will see God’s goodness amid hardship, sickness and loss caused by the coronavirus and that they will convey His goodness and hope to those around them.

  5. Pray that this crisis will lead government officials in hostile areas and restricted nations to the truth of the gospel and the hope found only in Jesus Christ.

The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. You can learn more about their ministry by visiting their website or support their ministry by clicking here.


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