Then and Now: Prayer in Impossible Circumstances

Antioch, a cosmopolitan city, a place to go for a great party and shady deals. Yet it is this city, where there were no moral boundaries, that the truth of Christ was shared with both Jews and Greeks. It is here that the followers of Christ were first called Christians. Oh, how they must have stood out! These Christians were so transformative on the life of the city that it became the launch pad of the Gospel to the Gentile world.

The Church in Antioch grew as new believers were quickly added to their numbers, yet opposition was also growing.  In an attempt to gain favor with the Jews, The Judean King, Herod Agrippa I, began persecuting the newly named Christians. Following his uncle’s example with John the Baptist, Herod had James beheaded and then was so pleased with the reaction of the Jews that he had Peter arrested and planned to execute him following Passover. These are the circumstances in which we find this fledgling community of believers.

So how did this young church react to these dire circumstances, to these terrible situations in which they seemed so powerless? 

“But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him. Acts 12:5

“… many were gathered for prayer.” Acts 12:12

Of course these embattled believers chose to come together and pray. 

How difficult this must have been right on the heels of James not being rescued. Their grief must have been overwhelming. And now Peter. Oh Lord, not Peter too! They gathered at a friend’s house, Mary’s, and as their hearts cried out, their words wove together in prayer and they brought their petition into the only place with hope, into God’s throne room. 

On behalf of Peter, they earnestly (ektenōs) sought God. A horse spurred on to go at a full gallop, all out, is the connotation of the Greek word used here. This was strenuous, focused prayer that demanded stamina. In fact, they were so focused that they almost missed the answer to their intercessions. Chains dropped off, prison doors opened, and Peter knocking on their door! The impossible.

So today, we again find ourselves in impossible circumstances. We are in the middle of a pandemic, many borders are closed, farmers have not been able work their land and the economic impact is just beginning to be felt. How do we respond to these needs and still reach the 3.23 billion people, 40% of the world’s population, who have not even had a chance to hear about Jesus yet?

We need your prayers. We need you to gather together and earnestly pray to God for those who are still unreached and for those that are called to go to them. J. O. Fraser captured this request when he asked his partners “I am not asking you just to give ‘help’ in prayer as a sort of sideline, but I am trying to roll the main responsibility of this prayer-warfare on you. I want you to take the burden of these people upon your shoulders. I want you to wrestle with God for them.” [1]

God’s answer to their prayers went beyond Peter’s miraculous release. As numerous resources on Acts 12 note, at the beginning of the chapter, Herod is on a rampage, James is dead, Peter is in prison, the Jewish leaders are pleased and Herod is triumphing; it closes with Herod dead, Peter free, and the Word of God triumphing!

We have on our side the Creator of the universe and the same secret weapon He had given to them: prayer.

Editor’s Note: There are multiple groups hosting prayer gatherings on every day of the week and various times of day and night! Find one that fits your schedule and get praying! It’s the most exciting and hope-filled activity we can do and the most effective, too!  Click here for our Prayer Resource page with links to weekly calls and more.

[1] Geraldine Taylor. Behind the Ranges: The Life-changing Story of J.O. Fraser. Singapore: OMF International (IHQ) Ltd., 1998, 225.

Sheryl Shaw, At 9 years old, God spoke to me and said only two things, “I am God” and “I am real.”  He did this every night for months. This experience was the beginning of my faith journey. As I hear very similar stories from pre-believers around the world, I know exactly what they are talking about and join with them as they begin their discovery of who this God is and how to follow him. It has been my privilege to share the truth of Jesus Christ not only here in the US but around the world. I do that currently as the North America Director for Global Teams and as the Mission & Outreach Pastor at my local church, New Covenant.


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