How-To's Guest User How-To's Guest User

4 Small Steps Into God’s Global Mission

“You may not change the world, but you can change the world for one person.” So goes the old adage. We as God’s people are tasked with a global work which can seem utterly overwhelming at times. Perhaps you’re thinking: “I can’t even keep my personal/work life and family straight! How can I even make a difference to some nation or culture on the other end of the world?”

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How-To's Guest User How-To's Guest User

Steps to Finding the Lost (Part 4)

This is the last in our series on steps to finding the lost. In the previous parts (which you can find here, here and here), we saw that there are 3 essential steps to reaching the lost. Being aware and seeing that people are lost without Christ, praying to God for laborers for the harvest among them and finally, taking actionable steps to “send and go.” I would like to end with some practical steps that we as C4SO churches collectively can take.

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