Jerusalem through the Eyes of Jesus: Reflecting on Palm Sunday in the Light of the Present Conflict in the Holy Land
It was Saturday, October 14 last year. The BBC Radio was about to play a pre-recorded interview with a spokesman for Hamas and needed to explain to listeners something in advance…
The Fruit of 'Yes!'
We call it the 'Oh-No!' principle... that moment just after the Spirit stirs you with a genuine call of God... that moment when your flesh kicks in and pulls back on the reins. Moses had an 'Oh-No!' moment at the burning bush. Gideon had one when God called him into battle for his people. Most of the prophets initially responded to their own calls with an 'Oh-No!'. Peter had an 'Oh-No!' reaction when he heard Jesus describe the suffering that awaited him in Jerusalem. Maybe it's one way to see Jesus' own agony in Gethsemane.