A Reflection on Gafcon IV
At Gafcon IV, I was the youth delegate from the ACNA’s Diocese of the South, representing 53 churches. To serve this end, I made it my top priority to learn all that I could from fellow, global Christians in order to bring this learning back with me. I can say that what took place at Gafcon far exceeded my expectations.
4 Small Steps Into God’s Global Mission
“You may not change the world, but you can change the world for one person.” So goes the old adage. We as God’s people are tasked with a global work which can seem utterly overwhelming at times. Perhaps you’re thinking: “I can’t even keep my personal/work life and family straight! How can I even make a difference to some nation or culture on the other end of the world?”
Give Your Church a Vision for the World
Most of us recognise that we live in a very big, very complex world where there’s a lot going on in the global church that we’re not aware of or that we don’t quite understand. Most of us also recognise that God desires his people to pray for his will to be done, and his kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven.
Does Praying for Missionaries Make a Difference?
How do you pray for mission work when you don’t have very many details? Or, you don’t know the places where our partner missioners are working? Or, you can’t pronounce their names? Or, you don’t understand their context? Or…or…or…
Ready for a Mission Adventure?
Conversations around a barbeque can be life-changing. Just ask the Apostle Peter (see John 21:9; 15-19).