Brick Kiln Freedom Mission Project
Our vision is to share the Good News of the Gospel among all communities and people in Pakistan to make Christ known among all nations and make disciples to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Specifically, our outreach seeks to bring freedom, hope, support, prayer and practical help to the brick kiln families who are enslaved in Pakistan.

Since 2017, Sharoon Sarfraz has led the mission of Glee Ministry in Pakistan, primarily working among unreached, enslaved and persecuted Christian families. We are sharing the Good News of the Gospel, distributing food among needy families, paying the debts of bonded families, and giving them business opportunities to secure their long-term freedom. We are preaching, teaching, feeding and rescuing brick kiln debt-enslaved families in Pakistan.
When families don’t have anything to eat or they fall ill, then families sell everything they have to pay for their medical care. When that is not enough, they take a loan from the brick kiln owners and sign a contract to work until the debt is repaid. They are then exploited, paid a fraction of the agreed price (often as little as 10c per hour) and the debt balloons with interest and fees. The workers are forced to work for 12-14 hours a day, seven days a week, for the rest of their lives. When they die, their children inherit their debt and are forced to remain in slavery. These people are mistreated, abused and robbed of their wages day after day.
“By rescuing these families from debt and giving them access to entrepreneurial opportunities, we enable them to stand on their own two feet and lead dignified lives. ”
We are witnessing the atrocities of slavery since we started sharing the Gospel at the brick kilns. Surrounded by people whose lives were stripped away brick by brick, we have seen first-hand the devastating grip that the brick kiln industry in Pakistan has on millions of people.
Forced to work at gunpoint from dawn to dusk, young children, elders, men and women are all tortured at the hands of wealthy kiln owners who rape them, humiliate them, and leave them to suffer in poverty without food, clothing and shelter.
We are saving these families from debt work and providing business opportunities so they can stand on their feet and earn a respectable life. Please pray, support and join us in this mission.
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Support the freedom of those enslaved in the brick kilns of Pakistan by donating below.