Ministry in the Market

It was my sister Mindy who suggested that we go to the market in a place called Chichicastenago in Guatemala on our trip there in January. We had asked the Lord to order our steps and Mindy began to talk to a sweet-smiled older woman named Juana. She told us how she had been very ill but that God had miraculously healed her. We followed her to her "store" which was basically her wares strewn out on the steps of a church because we wanted to help her and she had little bracelets that I wanted to buy for our girls.

As we were talking with Juana, a little slip of a girl with unkempt hair and a smudged face came towards us to sell bookmarks. I decided to help her with the bookmarks and then felt a strong urge to pray for her. Juana also wanted to pray for this little girl (Jennifer). As we laid hands on Jennifer and prayed for her destiny and asked God to make a way for her to go to school, several other indigenous women spontaneously joined us in praying for this young child. It was definitely God-orchestrated, this impromptu prayer meeting in the middle of the street in front of Juana's store on the steps!

Right before we headed back, two young girls around 15 years of age began to aggressively try to sell us their bookmarks and pens. One of the girls was more adept at English and the other...well, it wasn't that she was unattractive but her heart woundings had robbed her of her beauty and traces of bitterness lined her face. Her name was Alicia. Between all the vendors vying for my attention, I became confused and spent my whole budget for gifts with the more adept salesgirl. Alicia became furious and started me! She hounded me as we walked briskly back towards the bus stop. Praise God, instead of getting angry or brushing her off, the Holy Spirit gave me instant clarity. Alicia felt tremendously rejected. I stopped and turned and cupped Alicia's anger-filled face in my hands.

I told her that I didn't have any more money but what I did have was an apology and a desire to pray for her if she would let me. I told her how Jesus loved her and how valuable she was in His eyes. Suddenly the anger melted down her face and tears flowed. She was Chosen. By. Jesus. A smile crept across her face and life changed for both of us. As if on cue, little Jennifer came up behind me and threw her arms around me and hugged me tight and Juana returned to ask for prayer for her son. By the time we left, we were just overwhelmed by the way God had directed our steps and blessed us so greatly with these women and girls in the market. On the bus trip home I felt like I might just burst into blessing.

Elizabeth (Betsy) Hake is the founder and director of Jericho Ministries, a ministry to prostitutes and children in Honduras. Betsy and her family live in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and enjoy the wildness and adventure that is inherent in following Jesus. You can contact Betsy here.


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